The one day Strategy Revolution


The Strategy Sprint is the ultimate recipe for a strategy session in 1 day, and the perfect start for setting OKRs.

FOR WHOM? Developed for entrepreneurs up to 100 FTE. Think of SME entrepreneurs, startup founders, but also solopreneurs.

WHAT? It is a carefully composed mix of exercises, brainstorming methods and coaching techniques.  Inspired by Google's Design Sprint and the OKR framework.

BY WHO? Facilitated by certified facilitators who have experience as a founder and CEO.


The Strategy Sprint is perfect for you if: 

  You are an entrepreneur, founder / founding team or leadership team

 You are looking for the easiest way to write strategy that leads to a clear execution plan

 You have a team of up to a 150 people


Not matching the above criteria?

Contact us directly to see how we can adjust the Strategy Sprint to work for you.


Strategic Insight

We review your Strategic foundations, from your customer, problem and positioning to your product offering.

Top 10 Priorities

At the end of the day. you will leave with the most important to-do's for the upcoming year.


A clear roadmap for the next quarter, year and 5 years.




If you're interested to find out more, please drop us a note and we'll get right back to you.


We won't spam you!


Let me introduce myself: I am Rianne, entrepreneur, CEO and founder of Practic. I became a Managing Director at 25 and started my own business at 28. I have always found that leading a team is a real art: it is not easy to make sure that everyone feels happy at a workplace and is able to bring the best they can to show results. 

In 2020 I sold my Digital Marketing agency to a large media group and saw my team increase from 20 to 80+ people overnight. I decided I needed a strong framework to be a good leader of such a team, and I have loved working with OKRs ever since. Here are a few things we managed to solve through OKRs:

  • Bringing back inspiration: I am convinced people do not mind working hard: but they want to know why they are working hard. Great objectives can bring that inspiration to your team. Pro tip: it’s almost never more money for the owner of the business ;).
  • Cutting out the “busy-ness”: All of us were working long days and way too many extra hours. Unfortunately, the results were not as they were supposed to be. Since working harder wasn't an option (it almost never is), we decided to work with more focus, and OKRs helped us to do exactly that. Our objectives provided us the why, and the key results measure how useful the things we do are: in this way, we decided what takes priority.
  • Alignment (or “no more surprises”): Our product team was making things that our sales team did not know they were supposed to sell, and our marketing team did not know how to market. OKRs helped us to ensure everyone was dialed into the overall company ambitions and could work together for a common goal: no more surprises.

It took me more than a year and PLENTY of mistakes to get to this stage - which is why I am so passionate about this program!